Thursday, April 24, 2014

Running In Place

It looks like I'm in another "hurry up and wait" cycle. My appointment to meet with the specialist who (hopefully) is going to cut this thing out of me is still two and a half weeks away. If past experience with new doctors is any gauge of how the meeting will go, I expect to be herded around for another week of blood tests, urine tests, scans and probings before anything gets done.

I meet with the doctor who ordered the MRI this afternoon to find out the results. I also need to get copies of both the CT scan and the MRI from the hospital imaging lab to take with me to the specialist.

While I'm out today I also plan to get the oil changed on my car, pick up some antihistamine for my wife (she's caught a really bad cold), food for the new dog, and a few other incidentals. I also need to stop by a friend's house and do a little maintenance on his computer.

It sort of feels just a bit odd, doing mundane stuff like that. Life goes on even when something like cancer is feeding on you. I realize that's normal, but something in the back of my mind keeps whispering that the entire world needs to come to a screeching halt and pay attention to my problem. Not gonna happen, I know. Everyone has their own set of problems to deal with, I'm not the center of their universe. But every now and then I just want to stop and scream "UNFAIR!" as loudly as I can.

Well, I seem to be rambling...time to get ready to go see the doctor.

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