Saturday, May 10, 2014


I attended a little family reunion today. I got a chance to see some uncles, aunts and cousins that I haven't seen in a long time. I enjoyed talking with the cousins I played with on my grandparents farm so many years ago, thinking about the good ol' days. So many times we only see each other when someone has passed away, it was nice to get together on a happier occasion. We've all gotten older and some of us a little wiser, others not so much. Looking through stacks of old photographs of relatives, many, many happy memories. Good food, lots of smiles and laughter. I like that.

I suppose it's a bit morbid to think that this might have been the last time I see some of them on this side of the grass, but it was on my mind. Being the day before Mother's Day, I stopped by my Mom's grave to pay my respects. It's hard to express my feelings about that, I'm not sure myself exactly how I feel except to say there's a sadness that doesn't want to go away. I find myself thinking more and more about life and death lately and I'm a little uneasy about the prospects ahead, yet strangely I'm comfortable with it too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allan: I enjoyed seeing you at the reunion on Saturday and getting the chance to chat a bit. I knew you have had some health problems recently, but didn't realize you are facing another challenge right now. I'm praying for you to get great news about your condition and prognosis. Please stay in touch and keep me informed of your progress! - Gary