Monday, June 09, 2014

Hold On Just a Little Bit Longer

Just got back from my multiple tests and meetings with doctors. Whew, I'm bushed!

First stop was with a new doctor, I'm not 100% sure but I think he's going to be the anesthesiologist for my upcoming surgery. Certainly a strange fellow, but in a nice way. Sort of a cross between Bill Nye and Ducky from NCIS with a little Felix Ungar tossed into the mix. He spent two hours going over my medical history with a fine tooth comb and scheduled an additional test on top of the two that were already scheduled.

Next stop was for a blood draw to check my digoxin level. That showed up a little lower than optimal, so they want to raise my dosage of Digoxin. I'll need to contact my cardiologist to have him adjust my prescription.

Then on to a different building for the CT and bone scans. Oops! Nope...not yet. Got sent to a third building to have an ultrasound done of my carotid arteries. That was the additional test that was added.

Back to the second building for the CT and bone scans...two hours later than they were originally scheduled for. I expected to be told that the scans would need to be rescheduled since I'd missed the appointments but was pleasantly surprised when they took it in stride and worked me right in with very little delay. There was some wait time for the contrast dye to work it's way through my system,  but otherwise everything was a lot faster than I thought it would be.

Finally on to the fourth building to meet with the kidney doctor who had already looked at the CT and bone scans by the time I got there. Bone scan was normal, no cancer. Yay!  The mass on my lung is larger than originally indicated. Boo! But there is only one mass there, not multiple masses. Yay! A biopsy is needed to see if it's cancerous. As for the mass on my kidney, it needs to come out. Since it's on the outside of my kidney and both of them are functioning normally, it should be a minor thing to go in and snip it out with very little of the kidney needing to be removed. I'm supposed to hear tomorrow on when laparoscopic surgery can be scheduled.

So then end result of today's activities is that things are starting to move forward, I just have to wait just a little bit longer.

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